Record accurate timesheets,

pass to payroll software

in a click

Keep track of employee time and attendance

with one simple app.


Timesheet software that simplifies

wage and hour compliance

wage compliance calculations

Wage compliance

Automate wage calculations

Our timesheet software can calculate employee wages for every shift according to your local laws or employment contracts — including overtime pay. Set up different rates for different roles and let Deputy crunch the numbers for you.

break planning

Break compliance

Help staff get the downtime they need

Make sure employees take the right breaks and stay at their best. First, use our scheduling software to allocate meal or rest breaks. Then our timesheet app will flag any breaks that are missed.

real time attendance

Employee attendance

View real-time attendance

See who’s on shift, who’s running late, and who’s on break. When employees start and end shifts via our time tracking app, supervisors can get a live update.

Report on rostered hours, budget against sales

Dynamic reports

Compare accurate labor hours, wage costs, and profits

Make sure your teams are running on budget. Our time tracking software helps managers compare scheduled hours against timesheet hours — and wage costs against sales.

Deputy for all industries