### Essential skills your employees should learn You can have the finest brochures and the best products, but if you don’t have well-trained and flexible hourly workers you could lose customers as well as have an unhappy, unmotivated staff. It’s vital that your staff has the training and talent to successfully represent you. Employee development is about more than picking up a few skills. It’s also about increasing employee morale and building a strong business. If they understand the points below and put them into action, you will have employees who excel at what they do. * * * **1\. Who They Represent** It’s easy to learn product specifications and details, but what your staff really need to know is what makes your products stand head and shoulders above the competition. What sets your company apart and makes it special? Make sure your staff knows that you believe in the company and its products, and they will too. * * * **2\. Keep You Informed** Encourage your hourly workers to give you updates on their progress in their own words on a regular basis, whether that’s in a team meeting every month, by email each week, or a quick daily chat. Give your staff an easy way to stay informed, share important messages and contribute to the workplace conversation. Deputy’s workforce management app gives users a News Feed, which can replace emails and text messages as a way to communicate with all of your employees. The News Feed feature allows for [easy communication](https://www.deputy.com/features/collaboration) between you and your employees through one central location. * * * **3\. Manage Time Well** Your hourly workers should make every hour count. Using a time management software like [Deputy](https://www.deputy.com/) can help you and your busy employees manage their time and improve efficiency. The right time management software will also allow hourly employees to clock-in and clock-out online, allowing managers to to easily view and approve their hours worked. * * * **4\. Each Customer Is Important** Don’t allow your staff to underestimate the value of each and every customer, no matter the size of the account. Every customer should receive the same excellent customer service. * * * **5\. Ask Good Questions** Your hourly workers should take the time to understand how to ask a good question in order to get the answer they need. These questions can be for customers, for co-workers, or for you. [Ukwritings](https://ukwritings.com/do-my-assignment) can assist them with formulating these questions, while [Easywordcount](https://easywordcount.com/) can help them ensure that the questions to ask are succinct and to the point. * * * **6\. Curb the Gossip** Some chat among hourly workers is inevitable, but this should never turn mean-spirited or border on bullying. It is your responsibility as a manager to listen to what your employees are talking about, to discourage gossip about colleagues, and never engage in it yourself. * * * **7\. Have Network Potential** Your staff should understand how to network and meet the influential people in your business. This includes not only meeting them in person but also communicating with them by email when necessary and providing coherent and useful feedback on practical ways to improve the company. For guidance on business writing, [Essayroo](https://essayroo.com/assignment-help-australia) is useful for assistance, and [State Of Writing](https://stateofwriting.com/) is an excellent resource. * * * **8\. Deliver A Great Presentation** Make sure that your hourly workers have experience in giving presentations which are informative and exciting. A great tool for assistance with speech writing is [Boomessays](https://boomessays.com/type-my-essay), or they can check that their grammar is correct at [Grammarix](https://grammarix.com/). * * * **9\. Think Creatively** Your workers should be able to think on their feet. Applaud creative approaches to even mundane issues, because these unique approaches will keep them (and you!) ahead of the competition. * * * **10\. Manage Their Time** It’s vital that staff learn to prioritize and get important things finished first. A great tool for keeping them organized and efficient is the work tracker [Asana](https://asana.com/), and they can also track their time and tasks on [Trello](https://trello.com/). * * * **11\. Enjoy Their Work** Practicing daily kindness, reliability, and patience will take them a long way toward being a successful hourly worker. Model these behaviors for your staff and they will reflect them back to you. * * * **12\. Build Their Confidence** A confident worker recognizes and develops themselves, speaks with authority, and has pride in their product and the company they represent. Your people should believe that they are the best at what they do and that they work for the best company ever. Customers will, in turn, believe in your employees’ confidence and in you as a company. * * * **13\. Tell Their Success Stories** Ask your workers, from the beginning of training all through their career, to tell their stories about how your products perform and how they deliver excellent customer service. Make a point of it to share these stories with your staff. Recognize the evidence of your success and the customers’ happiness. * * * By emphasizing these skills in your workers, you can lay the groundwork that encourages effective interaction and consistent work-life balance. The positive results of a well-trained staff can be seen not only in the increased productivity and effectiveness of your employees but also in the minds of your customers as they leave with a positive view of your establishment. By encouraging your staff using these tips, you will ensure the success of your business in the day to day operations as well as in the long run.
13 Essential Skills Your Employees Should Learn
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The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on Deputy's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice. Deputy is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article. Deputy disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.

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