HOME features demand forecasting

Labour demand forecasting software to help you build a better roster

Lower labour costs and optimise roster coverage with Smart Scheduling tools
  • Efficiently reduce labour cost
  • Ensure optimal coverage across the roster
  • Scale the perfect schedule to meet changing demand
  • Minimise administration time
Demand planning for perfect scheduling


Powerful insights at your fingertips

Leverage data and insights to build a better roster

Demand forecasting

Business Insights Dashboard

Get the whole picture on performance

With all your key business trends accessible in a central dashboard, you can use unique data-driven insights to make cost improvements across your roster.

Demand planning on the go
Coming soon

Scheduling Statistics for Mobile

Make informed decisions on the go

With real-time wage to sales data pulled directly into our mobile apps, you can confidently make important rostering decisions from wherever you’re running your business.

Control costs with clear benchmarks demand planning

Budgets and Forecasting

Control costs with clear benchmarks

Use hour and wage budgets to set tangible targets for cost-effective rosters. Real-time variance tracking provides the guardrails to self-correct while rostering.

demand forecasting labor laws

Custom Labour Models

Take the guesswork out of rostering

Create the perfect, scalable roster based on unique business logic with custom demand-based rules. Ensure the minimum coverage requirements are met — while staying within budget.

Try the ultimate scheduling app today.
Start your free trial now!

600+ glowing reviews on Capterra

Why choose Deputy?

Our software’s power, simplicity, and mobility has earned us 380,000 happy customers — who are our greatest advocates. With Deputy, you’re not just saving time and money. You’re making life easier for your teams and helping them provide better service.

Australia's leading scheduling software

Frequently asked questions

  • What is demand forecasting?

    Demand forecasting is the process of gathering historical data to estimate expected future customer demand. To businesses, this process helps estimate the proper staff needed to meet future needs while avoiding unnecessary staffing costs.

  • What is the benefit of demand forecasting?

    Demand forecasting can help management understand the optimal labour force needed to support customer demand at a given time. Benefits also include the ability to prevent staff shortages in rostering, reduce unnecessary labour costs, and scale your optimal roster.

  • How can I increase efficiency with demand forecasting?

    Because demand forecasting takes into account future staffing needs, it ultimately impacts labour costs. Understanding future demand and adjusting rostering makes for a more efficient and cost-savings rostering process for your business.

  • Will I save on labour costs using the Deputy app?

    The demand forecasting feature in Deputy will help management teams and leaders lower labour costs and optimise roster coverage by leveraging historical data from your POS and payroll systems. Using one central dashboard, you're able to visualise insights to help make smarter rostering decisions.

  • How does employee rostering help scale my business?

    Using a platform for employee rostering can provide huge time savings for management teams allowing leaders to address larger business issues or other immediate operational concerns. Using demand-based automation models, you are able to create better rosters that are constantly adapting to changing needs.

demand planning, roster, shift scheduling
mastering labour demand forecasting blog
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Discover more Deputy features

employee scheduling with Deputy software

Employee rostering

Schedule staff based on demand, availability, and budget. Manage last-minute changes from any device.

Leave management

Leave management

Manage leave balances and requests with ease. Anywhere, anytime.

icon shift swapping

Shift swapping

Find staff to cover shifts with the push of a button or simply allow employees to swap.

Time tracking with Deputy

Time tracking

Record accurate timesheets for perfect payroll — and check employee attendance in real-time.