Supplier Code of Conduct

Last updated on September 20, 2024

At Deputy we are passionate about our values of listening to learn, clocking in for the customer, stronger together, leading with integrity and owning our shift. These five values underpin everything we do - from the way we work, to how we work with others. 

This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) aligns with our values and reflects our perspective on suppliers as partners. We care about how they operate while providing us with goods and services, and this Code establishes the minimum standards we expect our partners to uphold. 

The standards outlined in this Code play a key role in Deputy's selection and evaluation of suppliers. In addition to adhering to this Code, suppliers must comply with all relevant federal, local, and international laws and regulations in their areas of operation. This includes abiding by applicable anti-corruption, data protection and privacy laws.

Deputy’s Standards

Deputy follows the standards set out below and expects its suppliers to do so as well.

1. Safe and respectful place for everyone

A worker is an employee, contractor, agency or temporary staff member. All workers should be able to work in a physically and psychologically safe, sanitary and secure environment where their human rights and dignity are respected. 

Deputy expects its suppliers to: 

a) Labour and human rights 

  • Recognize and protect the right to collective bargaining: Respect workers' rights to organise and negotiate with management as a collective.

  • Maintain a workplace free of exploitation: Ensure the workplace is free of forced, bonded, or indentured labor, human trafficking, and slavery (including complying with applicable modern slavery laws).

  • Allow employees to freely terminate employment: Employees should be able to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice.

  • Pay fair wages and benefits: Offer wages and benefits that meet or exceed applicable legal standards or industry benchmarks, whichever is higher.

  • Provide clear employment conditions: Inform workers of all relevant employment conditions before they start employment, and ensure working hours do not exceed the legal maximum.

  • Comply with child labor laws: Adhere to laws regarding child labor and employ only workers who meet the applicable minimum legal age, aligned with International Labour Organisation standards.

b) Health and safety 

  • Ensure a safe and healthy workplace: Uphold compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations to maintain secure work environments.

  • Minimise occupational hazards: Take proactive measures to reduce risks and prevent physical harm to employees.

  • Provide basic amenities: Grant workers access to clean drinking water, sanitary facilities for food preparation and consumption, and clean restroom facilities.

2. Ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect

Deputy expects its suppliers to provide equal opportunities for all of their workers, and a workplace that’s free from discrimination. This means:

  • Promote equal opportunities: Ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities, regardless of race, religion, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, political beliefs, disability, age or any other legally protected characteristics.

  • Maintain a zero-tolerance policy for exploitation and abuse: Prevent any form of exploitation or abuse, especially towards women and children.

  • Foster a respectful workplace: Create an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, victimisation, intimidation, and abuse.

  • Uphold human rights: Respect and protect the human rights of all workers, valuing their dignity and diversity.

3. Act authentically and ethically in all business dealings

Transparency, trust, fairness and integrity are the foundations for all good business dealings. Deputy expects its suppliers to:

  • Act as a responsible corporate citizen: Conduct business responsibly and ethically.

  • Eliminate corruption and unethical practices: Comply with all laws and regulations to prevent corruption, bribery, fraud, and other prohibited business practices.

  • Uphold ethical standards: Operate fairly and professionally, demonstrating good ethical practices.

  • Disclose potential conflicts of interest: Inform Deputy of any situation that may pose a conflict of interest.

  • Respect intellectual property rights: Do not use others' intellectual property without proper authorization.

4. Monitoring compliance to the Code

Suppliers should assess their own compliance with this Code and tell Deputy if they do not meet its requirements. They may also be able to raise a concern under Deputy’s Whistleblower Policy (follow link here). 

In addition, suppliers are expected to: 

  • Provide evidence of compliance: Be prepared to demonstrate adherence to this Code and applicable laws if Deputy requests it.

  • Ensure suppliers meet standards: Take reasonable measures to ensure their suppliers understand and adhere to the obligations and standards outlined in this Code or equivalent standards.

Suppliers acknowledge that it is a condition of any engagement between Deputy and the supplier that the supplier’s failure to comply with this Code or with applicable laws, will entitle Deputy to immediately terminate its relationship with the supplier and/or to disclose the matter to appropriate authorities, regulators and/or law enforcement bodies. If permitted by applicable law, we will inform the supplier of the matter and provide the supplier with a reasonable opportunity to respond, before we disclose the matter to the relevant authority, regulator or law enforcement body.