How to create a schedule in minutes
Alright, you’re set up and ready to schedule. Here’s how to get it done quickly with all the right tools and information at your fingertips.
View, create, and edit a schedule
Use drag and drop, and copy and paste
Use shift stats, open shifts, and keyboard shortcuts
Publish your schedule
Ready to share the schedule with your team? Here’s a rundown of how to publish and send schedules to your staff — it’s much easier than posting it in the break room.
Publishing and notification options
Communicate in one place
What is Deputy News feed? We’ll show you how it simplifies communication across your team — and can replace chaotic Whatsapp groups, text chains, and emails.
Create and post messages, attach docs, and post videos
Replace emails, texts, Facebook, or Whatsapp groups
Send to individuals, groups, or all staff — and request confirmation
Manage leave and unavailability
How do you easily manage leave requests, scheduled time off, remaining leave, and when everyone is available to work? Welcome to simple leave and availability management in Deputy.
Submit, approve, or decline leave on the mobile and web apps
Enter unavailability