Valuable Retail Skills You Want on Your Resume

by Sarah Niderost, 3 minutes read
HOME blogretail skills you want on your resume

Ever since you started working in retail, your love for making customers happy has grown. You work well in the environment and are laser-focused on company goals. Now, you’re ready for the next chapter in your career. Though you can’t see yourself working in a different industry, you find that the information you include on your resume hasn’t changed.

In order to grow your career in retail, you’ll need a well-developed skill set. Read on for valuable skills you’ll want to include on your resume the next time you apply for a retail role.

Customer Satisfaction

While customer service is an essential skill that contributes to business goals, customer satisfaction is where it counts. If you ever had a moment where happy customers left a great review of your store, or referred new customers your way, make sure you describe how you made that happen in your resume.

Safety and health procedures

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught businesses that safety and health mandates can affect store capacity, redirect customer journeys, and even temporarily close their entire space. With these rapid changes over the past year, you adapted to them, while making sure you provided the best customer experience possible.

If you implemented any safety and health procedures at your workplace, describe how you created them, and what results came from having them in place. This will show potential employers that you can learn quickly, and are resilient.

Technology skills

How have you communicated with your manager and fellow team members at work? Did you use any communication apps? Show how collaborative you are on your resume by listing any digital tools you used to improve workplace communication.

If you signed in to work or oversaw your weekly schedule using workplace management software, include information on how it helped simplify your job duties. If the business you’re applying to doesn’t use scheduling software, mention how you can implement it if you’re hired.

Stress management

Dealing with impatient customers all while fulfilling your manager’s requests can get chaotic. Being able to juggle multiple tasks and keeping a smile on your face, despite stressful situations is a valuable skill to have.

As businesses start to ramp up and have more customers in-store, hiring managers are looking for candidates who know how to manage their stress efficiently. Show how well you can keep your composure in difficult situations in your next application.

Product upselling

“Would you like fries with that?” Restaurant employees use this well-known question to upsell and move more products to make more sales.

Upselling is a great way to turn shoppers into repeat customers. Provide examples of how you generated profit for your workplace when you’re listing your product upselling skills.

Social Media skills

Using social media is an effective way for companies to showcase their brand and sell more inventory. If you have any advertising skills that you’ve showcased on social media platforms, show just how successful they are — even if the role you’re applying for doesn’t require knowledge of digital advertising tools. It could be an added bonus to your skills that will catch your hiring manager’s eye.

Speaking another language fluently

Knowing how to speak multiple languages is a great communication skill in every workplace. If you have any customers or coworkers who speak a different language, and everyone else on the team doesn’t speak it, you can join the team and bridge language gaps.

Inventory Planning

If you have experience in knowing sales trends, techniques, and strategies, inventory planning may come easily to you. Knowing what types of products sell, and how you can sell them will help you plan new shipments for your workplace to generate more sales, and impress your next supervisor.


Empathy is often an underrated skill that many employers don’t realize they need. This skill is very essential when you’re working in an industry that requires delivering the best customer service possible. It allows you to better relate to different types of customer problems they’re trying to solve when they’re shopping at your store. Being empathetic also betters your stress management skills.

Set yourself up for success

When you include valuable skills in your resume for your next retail role, you can stand out from the dozens of resumes hiring managers often look over. Instead of piling your resume on top of a pass pile, you’ll be on your way to scheduling your next interview.

Want to stay up to date with new skills that will impress your next employer? Download The 2021 Resume Template and Guide to learn new ways to make a resume that stands out.

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