Rota software comparison

Find out how Deputy compares to its competitors

Best results
Deputy outperforms its competitors when it comes to results. Based on estimated ROI, the ability to meet system requirements, user adoption, and user likelihood to recommend the software, Deputy received the highest overall score.

Set up
Most implementable
Deputy software beats competitors as the most implementable in two categories (Workforce Management and Time & Attendance), based on ease of set up, user adoption, and implementation time.
Highest user satisfaction
Workforce Management category - Ratings as of June 28, 2020 on G2

Experience the value of Deputy for your own business.

Deputy is #1 in Employee Scheduling category (June 2020)
Getapp’s Category Leaders are ranked based on user input, technical capabilities, compatibility with other systems, mobile offerings, and product security, so business leaders can make better, informed decisions.

Deputy is among Top Workforce Management software providers
Capterra’s Top 20 report is formed using published user reviews, third-party data sources, and data submissions from technology vendors, so managers can find the best software.

Deputy is recognised as a Workforce Management leader
G2 ranks Deputy in the top 25% of Workforce management solutions in the Summer 2020 Report. Category leaders have high user ratings, and substantial market presence.

Highest user adoption
When it comes to the best Time & Attendance software, Deputy ranks well above the industry average adoption rate. Our tools are simple to pick up, make your team feel valued, and support smarter work decisions for managers.